“Candid Camera” tries to play a prank on Mister Rogers, and it backfires.

“Candid Camera” tries to play a prank on Mister Rogers, and it backfires.

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  1. If Christianity turns out to be 100% legit and I die and find out that Mr. Rogers was the second coming of Christ, it would not surprise me one fucking bit.

  2. “You know what you’ve done? You have charmed us like you’ve charmed all the youngsters in America.” What a gracious man. We need you today Mr. Rogers!

  3. Mr Rogers actually started his program to try to make television into something good and useful. He had very strong opinions about it.

    Also this is just a tired man. Don’t mess with someone who is just trying to check into their hotel room. Very impolite.

  4. Before I met my wife she went on a trip with some friends to Nantucket. Fred Rogers happened to own a house on the island so they went snooping about trying to find it. Once they did they snuck around and peered through the windows.

    It just so happened that mr Rogers was in the neighborhood and was watching them from across the street at one of his friends house. Eventually he came over and asked if they wanted to come inside. He played “would you be my neighbor” for them on the piano and was humbled by the fact that a couple of kids in their early 20s would be interested enough to sneak around his house.

    From that year until his death he would write Christmas cards to them. As far as I’m concerned he was the pinnacle of what our species should aspire to.

    [Here’s the card](https://m.imgur.com/UxzGifN), sorry for the poor quality. It says “For Savedby0’s wife with kindest personal regards. From your “neighbor” Fred rogers 2001″ Then it’s signed “Mister Rogers”.

    [Here’s a picture](https://m.imgur.com/Et6jK) of the “gang” that tried to sneak around his property. What a bunch of rascals. My wife is on the right. This was taken probably around 2000 or so.

    EDIT: u/youOWEme dug up a picture I previously posted with [him playing the piano](https://m.imgur.com/eBIV0kX)

  5. Fred Rogers is the only person I’ve never met whose absence makes me genuinely sad. I’m 33 now, and I still can’t watch a video like this or read an article about him without tearing up a little.

    Fred Rogers was, for my money, one of the single greatest human beings in history, and I feel honored to have been able to share living on this beautiful world with him while he was here. He had such a deep and abiding love for all children and the men and women they would go on to become. He helped raise me.

    My parents split when I was little and my Mom was always working so that we could eat and have heat. And every day, as a young boy I’d sit by myself in front of the tv, and this man with the kindest eyes I’ve ever seen would invite me into his home and tell me that I was loved. That I mattered. That he liked me just the way I was.
    And it meant the world to me. It still does.

    I really miss that man. He represented everything that was good and true about us. Truly a paragon of our better nature.

    Edit: [I very much appreciate the gold. Thank you, you wonderful person.](https://youtu.be/hdyeVM_mjHg)

  6. Hearing and seeing all this stuff really makes me feel like I took him for granted. I loved the show but even as a kid I always assumed it was just a show. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized how much of a genuine soul he had. I’ve never really been a “bad” person but this inspires me to be so much more. Thank for sharing op!

  7. Whenever the topic of Fred Rogers comes up, before I even view the content I think about two things; 1, Fred was truly the salt of the earth. end of story. 2, My grandfather was every bit as kind and gentle as he was, and I feel like everything I watch or read about Fred reminds me so much of him that I feel like I get to live it all over again. The lesson in this clip is one of contemplative nature, everyone needs it.

  8. “Is that what that apparatus is?” Christ.. They must have has a TV cameraman with a giant shoulder mount under a table cloth just sitting in the corner with a sign above it that said “Not a camera”.

  9. He is so adorable, and I’ve really only come to appreciate him as an adult.

    And you know, a lot of television personalities have an on-screen persona, which is fine. But Mr. Rogers *was* the real Mr. Rogers all the time. So humble and kind. I think we should all be taking notes.

  10. I met Fred once in the neighborhood in Pittsburgh. I was about 4. I was riding a tricycle, in a Batman cowl and cape, Ninja Turtles t-shirt, and red cowboy boots. He greeted me on the street, introduced himself to my parents, and offered to take us on a tour of WQED and the Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood studio.

    It’s pretty amazing to meet your heroes in life, especially at such a young age. If I can be half the person Fred was, that’s a win.

  11. I watched Mr. Rogers growing up, and only now as an adult after hearing what a wonderful human being he was in everyday life can I truly appreciate how amazing he really was. There hasn’t been another person quite like him since, and that makes me sad for us all. The world needs more Mr. Rogers.

  12. On the day of his passing, I was going out with my friends on our weekly bar meetup. This was a busy place and had a policy that you were allowed to buy only one drink at a time. We got there about 9 pm, I looked at the bartender and ordered 2 drinks and when she gave me you know we only serve one drink at a time I said one for me and one for my dead hommie Mr Rogers. I paid for the drinks left one and took mine. That beer was there till close. No one touched it.

  13. If you are around Pittsburgh you know just how important this man was to everyone growing up. It still amazes me how many people talk about him. I go to the Heinz history center every so often and always venture to the top floor collection where the set pieces for the show are.

  14. My favorite candid Camera story actually happened outside of the show. Alan Funt was on a commercial airline flight that got hijacked. In those days, terrorists were frequently hijacking planes, and forcing them to fly to Cuba.

    Well, after the initial terror of being hijacked, the passengers realized that Alan Funt was on board, and started to laugh and enjoy the hijacking. He couldn’t convince anyone that it wasn’t a setup. The hijackers were perplexed that everyone was enjoying being hijacked.

    When the plane landed in Havana, and the passengers were greeted by military troops, they were pissed at Funt. He had absolutely nothing to do with the hijacking, but they all blamed him, anyway.


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