Cody’s Lab, a Popular YouTube Science Channel, Has Been Suspended of Uploading for Two Weeks

Cody’s Lab, a Popular YouTube Science Channel, Has Been Suspended of Uploading for Two Weeks

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  1. His Facebook (not allowed to link it on /r/videos) has some more info.

    He’s had a few run ins with making shotgun primer with mercury fulminate and also from scratch, and making nitroglycerin (took YT 2 years to respond to the appeal).

    Current strike is to a non-public video where he shows you fruit flies will survive being microwaved and larger bugs will not.

    His main channel [Cody’sLab]( is really informative and educational. Has a good series on beekeeping, refining metals, building a mine, as well as some other stuff.


    For some clarification on the latest strike. It was for a non-public video he uploaded for his [patreon]( supporters, where he did microwave a grasshopper and it exploded. He didn’t make it public and made a new version using a grape.

    The reason because of the strike is the exploding grasshopper. People here in the comments also seem against this. There is some uncertainty regarding insects and pain, heres an [/r/askscience]( thread on it.

    But then again, on youtube there are plenty of videos on things like a [lion killing a warthog](, [people killing fish](, [people eating live crabs](, and [people making people explode]( Even search ‘microwave bugs’…

    If your argument is about to be “ohhh but but he’s just killing it for fun, he doesn’t have to”, sure, which is why he changed it to a grape after patreon users suggested because of this exact possible reaction… He doesn’t sit around microwaving bugs all day for fun, it’s literally just ‘lets demonstrate the difference between a small bug and a larger one’. What better way than actually using small and large bugs. Imo his intentions were good. The man just wants to learn and educate people.

    And let’s be honest. We’ve all gone out of out way to kill an insect… Would anyone object to seeing an exploding mosquito? Or that half the people want to kill every fkn spider they see

    Come on…

  2. It’s completely ridiculous that his stuff has gotten any content strikes. Cody is ridiculously good-natured, positive, and educational.

    What douchebags.

  3. YouTube has gone the route of knee-jerk unverified react, screw the content provider and take all the money because Fuck You. It’s a curious route indeed.

  4. Didn’t people at YouTube take science classes? His content does nothing that a high school science professor wouldn’t do. Educational channels should have at least the same content dispute protection as late night talk shows.

  5. How many YouTube content providers are there that have over 1 million subscribers? How does YouTube not have a better way (or any way) of contacting those providers in instances like this? How is this all “automatic”? Just seems so very backwards..

  6. Youtube – why? I get so much enjoyment from Cody’s videos – they are so educational, scientific in nature, everything I want to experience on your platform.

  7. Also WTF is up with the trending page.

    To add to this faceless evil corp, then there is the trending page.

    the only news site trending today from the Texas shooting is the BBC???

  8. This whole “adpocalypse” has nothing to do with the actual content that people are making. Advertisers are not jumping ship as much as Youtube would like you to think. The whole purpose behind demonetization and strikes and all of this punishment is to push Youtube Red. In the description for demonetized videos it says that you can still gain revenue through Youtube Red channels. At some point the executive team at Youtube saw that other platforms like Twitch and Mixer are charging for subscriptions and have launched Red as a way to catch up. They’re simply trying to push all content behind a paywall so that you have to subscribe to gain access to it. The old ad system isn’t enough for them. All of these posts where people are like “what?? How could they go after [insert name here]?? Their videos are so innocent!” are not getting to the fruit of the matter and that is that Youtube is shifting their financial model over and using the “adpocalypse” as a scapegoat to hide their greed. It makes you think “well they aren’t making money when they demonetize a video” which is precisely why this is a manufactured scenario by Youtube. Advertisers and marketing execs don’t give a shit if you’ve said the N-word on your channel before. If you get millions of views they want their product on it. Boycotts rarely have lasting effect on global brands especially when, like most internet boycotts, they only last a week or two before nobody cares anymore.

    This is Youtube trying to get more of your money in the long run. Call them out on it. They are punishing the content creators we love to try and force them in to a pay-to-view model and it’s disgusting. Shame on you Youtube.

  9. I didn’t care at all about chemistry till I watched his videos. Now it looks like fucking magic and makes me regret not caring during high school. This is a shame.

  10. he is a great lad. Always original, smart and with the vital “CAN DO”, “What could possibly wrong” and “Oh i havent tried that yet!” attitude.

    pleasure to watch, so fuck YT.

  11. This is utter bull shit, genuinely one of the best educational and scientific channels with a genuine creator who seems (at least to me) to put more work into the content than 100 click bait reaction channels.
    YouTube is going to push these people out and end up being full of music videos and adverts.

  12. I can’t comprehend that such valuable youtubers aren’t given the respect when their content is flagged, what’s going on here?

    Isn’t it possible for the content flagging tool to also note that this is a well known youtuber and that an actual person has to check whether his/her content actually is problematic instead of letting a bot treat everything as the same?

  13. Youtube’s system is the worst. When I was younger my channel with 8.5k subscribers was banned with no warning and a vague explanation. I spent 3 years of my life building it and they destroyed it for no apparent reason in 1 day. It’s a big deal when this kind of stuff happens to Cody, but it’s happening to thousands of nameless Youtubers every week.

  14. Yea suspend this account meanwhile a channel that is nothing but child porn, preteens in bathing suits, playing games, having pillow fights, is still up and boasting 120 million views a video.

    Fuck you YouTube

  15. From doing some more reading this is allegedly down to a private video that Cody posted which showed a larger insect and some fruit flies being microwaved. He then re-did the video (with the larger insect replaced with a grape) and the fruit flies – that one was made public and is still available to view as no fruit flies appeared to meet an early demise.

    Cody even mentions it (but not explicitly about what happened to the larger insect) on a recent Facebook update – not sure if I can link on this sub but look for the Facebook page of codydonreeder – the update was on November 5th @ 3:04

    The update reads:

    *”Just Great. This video was to show that small insects can survive being microwaved while larger ones can not. I never made it public and re-did it with a grape instead of the large bug but it seems someone found the link and now I cant upload for 2 weeks, assuming I dont get another one and my channel gets shut down.*”

    Edit: then there’s this:

    Edit2: Given the content of some YouTube channels that I’ve heard about, this incident with Cody opens up a whole can of worms (please pardon the unintentional pun).


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