John Williams!

John Williams!

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Comment (24)

  1. Could anyone who is either involved in the music industry or knows enough about it comment on how exactly all of these musicians come together to perform in the score for John Williams? Does he interview them? Is it like sports where he makes them try-out? How much time out of their week/month/year would these people have to take to come out to do this? Like if John Williams calls you up, do you just drop everything to go play music for him?

    Sorry if these are dumb questions, I never played music growing up, know nothing about it, but am becoming more and more fascinated by the making of scores for films.

  2. I took my 4yr old to see his first star wars film in the theater when TLJ came out last month. I looked over as soon as the score started and saw the biggest grin I have ever seen on his face. I started to tear up less than 10 seconds in to the new star wars movie. So many good feelings with this score.

  3. question for an expert or connoisseur:

    How do composers like Williams or Bernard Herrmann stack up against the greats. Bach, Beethoven, etc?

    Are any of these film scores in the same realm as Beethoven’s symphonies for example?

    How will history remember John Williams?

  4. If humanity survives several more centuries, I believe epic movie scores such as this will last and resonate as much as the symphony music of legendary classical composers. Back then, seeing the opera or the symphony was sort of like seeing Star Wars in theatre, however many many many more people have seen Star Wars and have the same frisson response.


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