
I have spoken with someone from your team at hubanero.com some time ago about our CBD Shop Database.

You can learn about and download the latest copy of the CBD Shop Database at https://creativebeartech.com/product/global-hemp-and-cbd-shops-database-with-contact-details

Global hemp and CBD shops database contains the contact details of all hemp and CBD shops, wholesalers, brands and manufacturers. CBD Store Marketing List is ideal for all forms of B2B marketing, including newsletters and email blasts, social media campaigns, telesales and more. Reach up to 20,000 CBD businesses across the world. Free lifetime updates to your CBD Business List. Instant access upon payment. The global hemp and cbd shops database contains a list of all types of CBD shops, manufacturers and wholesalers, etc.

We have made a major update to the CBD. We have scraped all the CBD company emails and decided to eliminate the bigger part of the vape shops with the aim of making this CBD database more targeted. We have still kept the vape shops that sell CBD products. You will now find approximately 20,000 CBD shops, brands, wholesalers, manufacturers, magazines, blogs and all the sites related to CBD or sites that have written about CBD. We cast our net very wide as some of our customers wanted to have a database with not only CBD shops but virtually all CBD-related businesses and even sites that have published about CBD products. You can now also use this database for guest blog post outreach campaigns to build up your brand exposure and backlink profile. We have made some new changes to the structure of the files. You will receive the master database with all the CBD companies in an Excel format as well as a separate file with ONLY CBD-related emails (this is more for anyone looking to use emails for newsletter campaigns and email blasts). We have also divided up the entire CBD email list according to top-level domains (TLDS) and saved them in separate files inside a separate folder. You can now target CBD companies according to their regions and domain names, i.e. .com, co.uk, .com.au, .fr, .de, .ru and so on. As usual, we have cleaned the entire email list using our 3-level email verification: syntax, domains and email inboxes.

You may also be interested in our Health Food Shops Email List – B2B Mailing List of Health Shops https://creativebeartech.com/product/health-food-shops-email-list-b2b-mailing-list-of-health-shops/

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