A Wisconsin teacher’s resignation speech after students and staff suffer mass physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse.

A Wisconsin teacher’s resignation speech after students and staff suffer mass physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse.

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  1. My sister-in-law recently quit her job as a teacher. One of her fellow teachers recently resigned at a Board of Education meeting for after students and teachers suffer physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual abuse. I figured I’d post this here for anybody that might care.

    The time stamp is at around 1:33:00, by the way. Just in case it doesn’t work.

  2. “If nobody else wants to speak, we will now move on to our teaching and learning work session”

    How about you stop everything and start addressing the startling plea you just heard?!

  3. As someone who was a good kid that got put into the remedial math class, I can absolutly confirm that if you put a teenager in an environment that is unruly they will also become unruly.

    To quote the long term sub that took over the ramedial math class after the last person abandoned it, “I dont understand, you are such a good kid why are you being so mean to me right now?!”

    Poor thing, she just didn’t have the fortitude to take care of kids like that, and we cant expect someone that does to take a job like that with such terrible pay and security.

  4. Thank her for saying what has been difficult for me to put words to. Almost identical situation across the country. Quitting my job this year, not because I want to, but because I have to.

  5. As someone who is seriously considering becoming a teacher, this makes me pause.

    I’m getting a late start to a degree and when considering what to study, teaching was the no brainer.

    I was the kid that grabbed a chalk board and made my cat and stuffed animals be my students.

    However I’ve been dragging my feet on commiting to it because
    A. Standardized tests, I’ve heard they’re a pain in the ass
    B. Pretty much everything described in this video.

    I find myself asking if it is really worth the 52,000 a year plus debt.

    Time’s have changed, teaching needs to change along with it.

  6. I teach 3rd grade in the Milwaukee School District. This hit me hard. I’m very happy with where I’m at and there is nothing even close to the problems discussed in this speech, but I’ve heard similar horror stories from colleagues who used to work elsewhere.

    I’m not going to make this a “teachers deserve more respect blah blah blah” case, because you can say that about any job really. What’s happening here sounds like a severe disconnection between the administration / school board, and the actual teachers / staff that work within the schools. The teacher brings up a great point towards the end stating that the teaching staff is trying to think of new solutions, but have heard of nothing to fix the issue from the administration. Sometimes school boards making the decision might not always have the experience / knowledge of being inside the actual school and knowing what that is like (again, not in my case).

    The problem with situations this intense is where do you even begin? You can’t just expel students left and right for breaking rules, yet there has to be a huge change to happen immediately.

    There has to be a way to gain respect back not only from the students, but from the community in general. In her speech, it sounds like some students still respect *some* of the teachers in the building (the example of the 8th grader losing his cellphone). Why is it only some? What are some teachers doing to gain that respect? It’s obvious they all aren’t otherwise students wouldn’t be going up to some teachers and exposing themselves while laughing in their face.

    The whole thing is a tricky situation and it really hit a chord if I felt that level of fear / anxiety going to my work every single day. I love my students, I love my job, I also love summer break (as I’m drinking a rum and coke), but I don’t blame her for leaving if those situations were occurring to me also. Doesn’t matter how great of a teacher / how committed you are if you don’t have a supporting administration to help you operate the school building as a whole.

  7. There’s a gap in the the lives of these students. It’s not a gap better teachers or schools can fill. The void starts at home. Why are they missing what they need? Why has this not been noticed and addressed before?

  8. I interned at an at-risk home for a mere 11 days.

    It takes a special kind of saint to endure that kind of environment. Kids can be scary when they have issues that big and deep-seated. They look so small and scared and then they snap. And then they hit puberty, and they’re bigger and stronger than you. And they can hurl the worst kind of verbal abuse. The shit that cuts DEEP.

  9. What do you do with students who just won’t cooperate, and continue to be violent and angry? Do you force them into like a military boarding school, or what?

  10. Segment being talked about is 1hr 33 min into video. Anyone watching with Reddit for iOS time stamps don’t work and man is that hard on a 4hr30min video.

  11. Here’s hoping teachers get to go to school armed with concealed weapons. If you want to act like this. Assault adults and act like you can do whatever you want. A bullet to the head will fix that problem.

  12. I hate to say it, because she seems like a really sweet person who passionately cares about teaching, but she seems way too soft skinned to deal with teenagers. I’m not saying the public school system isn’t broken, it’s been broken for a very long time, but I don’t believe her school is the war zone she’s painting it out to be.

  13. I think you can tell there is a problem when there aren’t large numbers of parents at this meeting demanding answers or giving that woman a standing ovation. It seems obvious that the problem with these kids starts at home. Parents who arent doing their part to discipline these kids to be decent members of society. I personally came from a very different world. One where the only real discussions at these types of meetings were about funding and agenda’s. I think much like there are no bad dogs, only bad owners. There aren’t bad kids, just bad parents. But in the case of parents I use the term bad more lightly. In some cases it is bad parenting and in others as the woman pointed out it is an environment created by some bad kids that had spread to other kids who otherwise would never act in such ways. Crazy though. It makes me glad that I had the experience in elementary, middle and high school that I did. I feel for her. Being a teacher in tough schools is really a thankless job. I know there are some teachers out there who don’t care but she is clearly not one. I hope something is done in this situation.

  14. On the old reddit this would be front page. On pro-corporate reddit, this is not. Advertisers don’t pay to push this up top. They avoid anything controversial.

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  16. I hope all you progressive motherfuckers are happy that you are destroying our society to the point that people can’t even go to school or teach at a school because parents aren’t disciplining their kids or nobody stands up to these stupid fucks saying “No, you can’t do that, that’s not ok, you are under 18 and do not have rights.”

    This is basic education folks and these predators prevent law abiding citizens from receiving free K-12th grade education WHICH IS THEIR RIGHT.

    Why the fuck is there nobody standing up to this garbage?

  17. That was a really good speech & delivery. Hopefully this will actually make an impact, although I’m sure all this stuff has already been brought up with no changes made. Maybe if this vid goes viral in the area it could potentially shame administrators into actually doing something.

  18. Wow I’m a middle school teacher in Baltimore and she just described my school. I feel like it is the same story in pretty much every city and I just don’t know what the solution is.

    Nearly every single child is showing up with severe emotional disturbances and learning disabilities. Even the relatively “normal” ones will eventually become aggressive because like she said, its the only way they can survive.

    We are creating a generation of broken human beings who’s destiny is to be dead or in jail. There are a lot of people working very hard and sacrificing so much but it just keeps getting worse.

    This won’t end without massive intervention. I’m talking doubling or tripling the education budget in every city and making mental health the TOP priority. Fuck the test scores, we need people who can actually function in society.

    My guess is the education budget will keep getting cut and the crime rate will keep increasing.


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