Becket Cook: A Change of Affection | The Eric Metaxas Radio Show

Becket Cook, a set designer in the fashion world with a master’s degree in theology, tells the incredible story of redemption out of the gay lifestyle in his book, “A Change of Affection.”
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  1. I disagree with the statement “we cannot be defined by our desires”. I will grant that not all desires are what they appear to be on the surface, (often times there is a deeper, truer desire beneath the desire) but desire is itself a gift from God. Nevertheless, I can honor this man’s story as his authentic experience and acknowledge that it may not be the story God has for everyone. Regardless, thank for your courage, Becket.

  2. I appreciate this guy admitting he is not attracted to women. May he never marry. I was devastated and shattered when I found out that my "Christian" husband that married me in a christian church on front of God – was a closeted gay and his marriage to me was nothing but big sad, sexless closet. It took me 5 years to figure out what was going on. Five long years of self doubt, self blame, shattered self image as I could not understand why my husband doesnt desire me at all. There was no children so he basically ruined my life. The most cruel thing a gay guy can do is to marry a woman. I was never ok after this and it deeply hurt my walk with God for a decade after the divorce. He robbed me of motherhood and a normal family.

  3. I think the issue that needs to be addressed is that for many people (not all) romantic or sexual excitement and fulfillment IS the highest joy, however fleetingly it lasts, they have experienced. I mean, the euphoria of being in love (which of course doesn't last) and the joy of finding your love returned, is exciting, joyful and feels amazing. So when we say to people, who whether being gay is chosen or not, for most who are gay, it doesn't feel chosen, to say that is to be taken away, forever — feels like the end of everything worth living for. It is like a little girl who has been practising for her wedding all through childhood, playing with dolls and dollhouses to be told, that isn't in your future — you have to only have, Idk, a career as a cashier, that's it. No one will ever love you intimately – as in physically, and you'll never have that desire fulfilled. Of course, the 'real' desire is, I believe, for God, but it doesn't feel that way if you've never had an experience of God. So when Christians tell people who experience ssa that that's it, they can have the feeling but they're never allowed to act on it and they don't desire the opposite sex, it seem like the end of any possibility for happiness. Remember, American society and that of the western world in general, is founded on the "pursuit of happiness" as a human right. If we as Christians don't get this, our witness is experienced as cruel. That what Becket Cook experienced happens is fact but if it hasn't happened to you, it feels like these Christians are simply wanting to take away the one hope for happiness I can ever have. That marriage is often full of stretches of celibacy is also not talked about in our culture. I remember when I was first married I thought I 'owed' it to my husband to have sex at least 4 – to five time a week — which once you have children is not always experienced as particularly joyful or fulfilling. All this means we need to take the lid off reality — to talk about everyone's expectations for their life and everyone's reality around sex and desire, not just that perpetuated by Hollywood. But also have compassion on so many who've been sold a bill of goods about what 'fulfillment' means.

  4. These interviewers can become so impatient and keep interrupting their guests. I just wish they would sit back and allow the guests to tell their story. Eric was rude!!! I could tell Becket was kind of flustered.

  5. An encounter with God ? You didn’t have a desire to read Gods Word.? You chose to listen to preachers. Mentioning theistic evolutionist? Why not go to the source of Truth. Jesus is the Way ( not one of the ways …!) the Truth ( a friends father molesting you as a child .? Same as Milo..? Catholic heresy ) and the Life .( Zoe the life of God and leads to eternity with Christ if we repent and follow Jesus )

  6. The interviewer should respect his guest a little more. Why make fun of his name? Becket is not even a strange or funny name for most people. How's that related to his story and message about God? Why interrupt what the guest is trying to say over and over again? Why speak ill of other Christian denominations? We are all Christians, we might worship differently but we all read the Bible and believe in Jesus and the same God.

  7. Praise God! There is NOTHING OR NO-ONE beyond Gods powerful reach.🙏🏼❤️ Our identity is in Jesus Christ and Christ alone; it’s not in our sexuality, or in anything or anyone else!

  8. This is one of the greatest testimonies I've heard!! The God of the universe is real and pursues all people because that's His loving nature!! 42:23 "In history, sex hasn't always been the main dish in life…there's an infinity of people who have lived as celibates. 47 "the homosexual narrative is painted as rainbows but it's actually very dark."

  9. Unfortunately, I’ve suffered in my life with the curse that is homosexuality. It’s effect on me has been profound. I’m desperately searching for a cure. Would love to be able to speak with Becket personally for an extended amount of time. I’ve been a Christian since childhood but have never experienced God on this level.

  10. Thank you, Beckett Cook and Eric Metaxas, for a fabulous interview, peeling back the curtain to the way God really works! I think we all need to hear that sexual abuse at an early age does interfere with sexual attraction later in life.

  11. Even though he came out of Hollywood, he is very articulate! Sorry to be so stereotypical, but most of Hollywood people are not that intelligent. This guy is very different!

  12. "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

    Our bodies are not ours, but temples of God entrusted to us for a season. The faithfulness with which we keep this house holy according to His Word is one of the bases by which we would be judged.

    God bless everyone.

  13. I found Becket Cook on YouTube and watched a few videos of his and fell in love with the guy. I hadn't heard of him before and now you have him on your show. Since he has your imprimatur, I know he is great. Love your show and love Becket Cook!

  14. I'm straight always have been. Though I have experienced calling from Jesus. I was catholic and felt lost not being connected to God JESUS. I listen to a pastor on my car radio dial the wrong station. Something told me to listen to this before walking away to a music station. As a catholic it's all rituals never to be found in the Bible. A very very little of the Bible. I got consumed to this pastor on the Radio. Eventually I got baptized. And I felt like Paul finding Jesus was guiding me to him. Today, I'm a "Born Again" Christian 😇❤️🙏

  15. You were a Child of GOD from Birth you don't need To go Hell so please Pray to your Heavenly Father this is the thing it's going to Take all of your Life Praying this is About your Soul Plus you are Getting to know GOD one other thing Don't forget about Sodom and Gomorrah this the Truth it's not on you they should tell you the truth But this the IT of it All That BIBLE is for any and All you don't pick it up that's on you and only you 🤗😊

  16. I have has this deep, intense love for gay people. Like truly. And as a Christian minister I have always had this struggle on how to balance God’s truth and holiness with compassion towards the gay community. I have researched and researched. And this man’s testimony gives me so much hope!!!! I am hoping to start interviewing transformed gay people in my channel. Not only to reach gays but primarily to educate Christians in how to love like Christ does!

  17. I'd have to agree with the others that say you interrupt too much. I was listening for him, not you. You don't need to entertain us or make comical comments or even compare him to your experiences. You said you have similar stories. NO NO you don't. I wanted to hear him. Please be more considerate to your guests.

  18. The sinful desires are placed into the thoughts of humans by the kingdom of Satan agents/ demons, it's the same desires for lust, porn or sexual fantasies. It takes the Holy Spirit to convict us of these sins and the living Word of God to set us free. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.


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