Creed Bratton’s best deleted scenes

Creed Bratton’s best deleted scenes

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  1. Some of these, while funny, didn’t really fit the show and I can see why they were cut.

    But holy shit the one where he was counterfeiting the Shrute Bucks was gold. That even fit the show perfectly. WOuld have loved to see the scene added into the actual ep.

  2. I’ve wondered if people legitimately enjoy his character, or if people are pretending to show apprecation and gratitude because he didn’t have much screentime and doesn’t receive much attention.

  3. I always felt like Creed could and should have had a bigger part of The Office. He usually flies under the radar and there are only a few episodes where he actually shines.

    Some of the outtakes are quite dark and out of place, but I like it and think some of them should have been in the series to build more on this fantastic character. At least I like the idea of this quiet, silly office having this crazy sociopath on the payroll.

  4. In the parking lot today, there was a circus. The copier did tricks on the high wire. A lady tried to give away a baby that looked like a cat. There was a Dwight impersonator and a Jim impersonator. A strongman crushed a turtle. I laughed and I cried. Not bad for a day in the life of a dog food company.


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