Crying Over One Leg Goose

Crying Over One Leg Goose

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  1. I know this has been around for a while but I can totally relate to it. I didn’t ugly cry but the first time I ever say a bird do this I felt so bad for it as well. I waited a few minutes before I saw that leg drop down and immediately got mad at the bird. Why, bird? That was decades ago, but a fun life lesson.

  2. The internet has jaded me, I think. I question the sincerity of this whole video. I really feel like this was just done for likes/clicks/views/upvotes…whatever. Sorry, crying goose girl, I do not believe you. I am glad though that the goose has both legs.

  3. so fucking self involved. i get it, if it had one leg it would be sad.

    but why would a person feel the need to record their exaggerated reaction to it? to show everyone else how empathetic you are and how much you care? the fact that you do that makes it completely forced and not geniune. complete bullshit and hipocrisy

  4. This video reminds me of…

    One time me and my spouse were getting gas. It was winter, super cold out. While waited in line we watched a woman hopping around trying to stay warm while her tank filled. I looked to my right and there was one of those clothing donation drop boxes. Between our car and the drop box was a car and a man was hopping back and forth from the car to the drop box, donating clothes. This made me and my husband laugh because, dang, it was so cold everyone was hopping around. When we finally pulled up to the pump we were able to see around the car of the hopping man and saw that he actually had only one leg! I felt kind of awful for laughing at him about it, but I didn’t make a video.

  5. She got way to much time sitting there for more than 20 minutes staring at a goose instead of bringing up google and just checking their behaviour in the wiki.

  6. I have a 16 year old daughter who has a friend that is a virtual clone of this girl. She came over to my house one day and shortly after arriving started crying hysterically because our fish “like hasn’t moved for like an hour.” This was right after she fed it some flakes. She kept saying, “bro I killed it!” Followed by hysterical crying.

    I grabbed my tank scrubber and put it into the water and moved the water around a little bit, and of course, the fish woke up from its nap and resumed swimming.

    She then proceeded to explain to me that she has the “exact same fish bro” and she knows for a fact they “never sleep” because fish “don’t have eyelids”.

    I just can’t with these kids.

  7. I can’t give her a lick of sympathy just because the level of stupidity is off the chart *solely so she can get “likes” on Instagram or whatever the fuck she’s on*. Recording yourself crying and commenting about a goose resting on one leg is frustrating to see. Moving on.

  8. So uh….She does know that birds pull their feet up towards their body to warm them, right?

    Also, assuming the goose is really one legged, it isn’t stopping him from goosing.

  9. the difference between geese and goose is that one is plural and the other is singular.


    if it only has one leg its a goose, if it has two legs it a geese.


    the more you know

  10. Okay I get being a bit thrown if you don’t realise they tuck their legs in for warmth, but… does she think it just hops around? That it, with only one leg, manages to raise itself onto its one leg? Or maybe that it flies around only to perfectly land on that singular leg. The logistics become more amusing to me the longer I think about how long she had to think about it.


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