Eminem as a Talking Heads song

Eminem as a Talking Heads song

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  1. Super Deluxe deleted these old videos? WTF? Alex Jones as an indie song and Kanye as a Tame Impala songs were two of my favorite videos on the internet. Why would you ever do that?

  2. Sure, he destroyed the notion that nothing rhymes with Orange, but what about Purple and Silver (what’s with colors not supposedly having rhyme?)

    Also, this video is fantastic.

  3. This is really good! I am a TH fan (not a huge one), but I had never heard this song before. Nice mashup. Very nice.

    Clearly this styling is most likely on a road to nowhere though.

  4. Eminem must have had some drug problems ~10 years ago because he looks really strung out. Lately he seems to have cleaned up and he looks a little better.

  5. I knew this seemed familiar: this guy wrote scenes from The Room [into a Prince track](https://youtu.be/F1ept4kyafE) and it’s honestly pretty good. First time I heard it was when my local cinema played it ahead of a Room screening, right around the time The Disaster Artist was coming out. I knew I had to look it up when I got home.

  6. By far one of my favourite Eminem songs now. Seriously, I watched it twice!

    “I put my orange, four-inch hinge in storage…”

    Love it.

    Edit: side question: why does he always look like he’s running on 2 hours’ sleep?


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