English man hit by bus, gets up and walks into Pub.

English man hit by bus, gets up and walks into Pub.

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  1. Would be interested on any follow-up this. A lot of the time when you suffer a scull fracture or TBI you will be completely fine for 10-15 minutes until the blood begins putting pressure on your brain.

    Edit: He’s OK!

    I remember watching the winter X-games a few years back when a snowmobile landed on a riders head. Everyone started clapping when he got up and walked off, but I was screaming at my TV to get him on a Life Flight asap. He died a few days latter.

    EDIT: After some followup I found the rider died of lack of oxygen to the brain from a heart contusion stemming from the accident. It was not a TBI in this case, but there are hundreds of TBI cases every year like I described.

    This is why you should not let someone sleep **immediately** after suffering a concussion if they are complaining about feeling tired. **Medically speaking**, sleeping with a concussion is 100% fine, but losing consciousness minutes or even hours after hitting your head is a sign of a TBI.


  2. > According to the BBC, Mr Smith suffered only minor injuries and said he feels “lucky to be alive”.
    > Daniel Fraifeld, 50, who co-owns the Purple Turtle bar, said: “I think he [Simon] pretty much got up, brushed himself down and then an ambulance came and took him to be checked.
    > “He got looked over and didn’t have any lasting injuries – but he’s covered in scrapes and bruises.
    > He then got released from the hospital and I think he just went for a pint to relax.”

  3. Just one of those days where nothing is going your way. Wake up, try to brush teeth, toothpaste goes all over the sink. Put on a shirt, walk outside, button falls off. Walk to the pub, get smashed in the back by a double decker bus. Stand up, walk into the nearest bar, get forced out by paramedics. smh.

  4. This is in my home town. I know this place, and there really is no reason for that bus to have been going that fast in this area. I don’t know what happened, but there should be a proper investigation into why the bus was going so fast that it couldn’t make the corner and mounted the pavement.

  5. Geo-location if anybody is wondering:


    And here is a close up view of what he saw when getting up: [link](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.4540109,-0.9730049,3a,75y,48.98h,96.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sn__A4L84Ey0AAAQWngu42A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)

    Even better, turn around on the first link and you’ll see the perpetrator, scouting out the scene in preparation for attack.

  6. The pub is the Purple Turtle in Reading, Berks, England.

    It’s a nightmarish shithole you’d never dream of entering sober.

    If you’ve been there, you’ll know exactly why he got up and walked straight in, no bother.

  7. Man walks into bar

    Bartender: how you feeling today

    Man: feels like I just got hit by a bus

    Bartender: ahh we all have those days

    Man: no literally just got hit by a fucking bus

  8. The slow-mo replay misses the craziest part of the actual hit: the windshield cracking after striking the man’s head. Watch it again from the very beginning.

    I am so relieved that this guy is okay!

  9. As a Brit we dont like to let silly things like terrorism or getting hit by a bus stop us from having a pint first thing in the morning. We’ve got real problems to deal with like the fact its been over 20c for 6 days.


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