I got an Edison cylinder in a trade a while ago. Yesterday, I finally had the chance to hear its 113 year old song.

I got an Edison cylinder in a trade a while ago. Yesterday, I finally had the chance to hear its 113 year old song.

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Comment (21)

  1. I’ve been on the internet too long. I thought for sure I was going to get Rick Rolled. Want to know the really sick part?

    Thinking that, I still clicked it.

  2. I am more of a shellac 78 rpm record person, although there is a bit of spillover in the early periods where songs that were released on cylinder were rereleased on shellac records just to keep up with the times. Shellac is definitively more brittle than most records, but I like the fact that A) They are more resilient and can be played more times than a wax cylinder before the music itself starts to warp too much from the grooves being worn and B) Shellac records don’t easily grow mold whilst wax does. Be sure to store it in a cool, dark, and dry area because once mold grows it just starts to permanently eat into the cylinder.

    The cool thing though is that when a wax cylinder is just too far gone either from warped groove marks or mold/water damage or whatever, I’ve seen some people “wipe” the cylinder clean by shaving off the topmost layer and then recording their own music onto the new clean cylinder.

  3. Early Edison cylinders were not copies- they had one performance into one horn that needle-scratched one cylinder. That would be the one and only copy that would exist. It was not a master used to make other copies. It was THE performance

  4. By far the most interesting post I’ve seen for a while. It’s unfortunate the camera was aimed at the least interesting part of the machine during the playback, but it’s still mind-blowing.

  5. So, I have headphones on. I’m in the coffee shop. This starts playing and I freak out. Is it broadcasting? Are my headphones not connected?? Where is that sound coming from???

    Amazing audio =)

  6. We take being able to hear music any time we want for granted. It wasn’t that long ago that this was cutting edge technology. Being able to listen to the same song over and over on demand must have blown people’s minds.


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