James Holzhauer wins $131k on Jeopardy in one game

James Holzhauer wins $131k on Jeopardy in one game

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  1. I understand that he reads a lot to gather these facts…. but how the hell does he remeber them all?!?! I would read a bunch of articles on wikipedia then a week later forget half of what I read! 🙁

  2. I think he’s great. I’ve enjoyed watching him (have seen every episode so far). More power to him, but there’s only one thing that bothers me:

    His smile. When he shows his teeth it looks so fake.

  3. This is like Mark “smoking some meats” Zuckerberg Mk II, with bug fixes to

    – make smile less creepy
    – show teeth more often
    – be more ruthless
    – be more sneaky about giving away consumer data

  4. This got me thinking, do they adjust the actual Jeopardy rewards for inflation? Or do they still give out the same prize value they did over 35 years ago?

    Do they adjust it for any game show? It got me thinking, because modern game show participants win way less if they don’t.

  5. I posted this yesterday in a different sub:

    James is easily the most dominant player the show has ever seen. That’s not hyperbole. He is now the 2nd highest earning player on regular season games (not including the all stars that play for $1M). The guy he unseated earned $430K over 19 games. James now has $566K in **9 games**.

    Some notes on his strategy:

    * In single jeopardy, he starts with the highest value clues and then goes down. He picks all the $1000 clues first. This is very unusual. Most people like to get a feel for the category before choosing the highest value clues.

    * In double jeopardy, he starts from the $1200 clue (in the middle of the category) and then goes up in value from there. He is clearly hunting the daily doubles.

    * In single jeopardy, if he hits the daily double, he always bets it all.

    * Depending on when he hits a daily double in double jeopardy, he will either double or pick a high dollar amount. He never bets small.

    * He bets big in final jeopardy, but he is usually so far ahead that he is not risking losing the game, just what he will win.

    He is just crushing people. I think only one of his games was not a runaway at final jeopardy.

    edit: here is a good website that is tracking James against Ken Jennings: https://thejeopardyfan.com/2019/04/james-holzhauer-ken-jennings-comparison.html

  6. I was wondering if there’s any place to watch these recent episodes online? I don’t have cable at my apartment, and I’ve been really interested in talking with my Dad about James’ run. My Dad is a daily watcher and I like being able to connect with things he enjoys.

  7. If anyone watched the last episode, pretty much lost respect for him for being such a douchebag to the female contestant who was ousted.

    Right before the cut to commercial you hear him laughing at her as they announce her departure.


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