No beat was skipped.

No beat was skipped.

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Comment (38)

  1. Real talk though it’s not Illegal to interrupt a news broadcast.

    It might be a dick move to fuck with someone doing their job but it’s also kinda a dick move to set up in a busy area and just expect people to give you a 10 foot range of space to set up in.

    Edit: I was gonna clear a few things up and toss in a little story about working for TV news but im just kinda over it now. One love.

  2. She handled that very professionally. But can we address that doing a broadcast in the middle of the NYC Port Authority isn’t the greatest idea?

  3. Reporters: turning your busy public space into their workplace and then acting all self-righteous when you don’t follow their rules since… whenever.

  4. The story itself is about problems during rush hour commute, lets make it worse and set up for a recording/broadcast in the middle of all of that and expect people to respect that gall and not walk through it.

    Why is there an assumption that all people should just walk around that shit? What higher authority do they think they have? Oh no, the shot might be ruined on a TV broadcast that nobody under sixty watches. Even if the shot was blocked for half a second, they can still talk. The words are still valid. The information will still get out there.

    Why do they need to report on location at all? Will the reporting somehow not be sufficient if they aren’t at the scene? They can’t say the same words in the studio? They need to have people walking behind them to have a good shot? It’s a story about a bus terminal. We can all visualize a bus terminal without someone standing at one.

  5. Like a roomba. hahahaha

    Jokes aside though. This is the right attitude by both parties. No interaction necessary. Still stupid to setup your cam gear right by the side walk though. But its something that’ll happen. Be sure to handle it properly.

  6. Have to ask why one of the tweets calls it out as a “Black Momma’s Arm”. Why do some folks feel the need to call out skin color with a regular not so special tweet?

  7. Is it illegal to get in front of a news camera? Like, could people protest or something by moving between a camera and the reported?


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