Tidy up your life

362 Follow the story of two Vitsœ veterans who have had Vitsœ in their lives longer than many of our customers have been around. Learn more at vitsoe.com Director: Jared Schiller Likes: 362 Viewed: 80427

A lifetime with Vitsœ

662 Start small, add to it, rearrange it, and take it with you when you move. Likes: 662 Viewed: 103269

Against obsolescence

218 Planned obsolescence is the design and manufacture of products that are deliberately intended to have a limited useful life. The result is that you are forced into an everlasting cycle of replacing, repurchasing and repeating. For 50 years we have stood by our common sense approach of living better, with less, that lasts longer. […]

Dieter Rams in conversation with Deyan Sudjic

454 Dieter Rams in conversation with the director of London’s Design Museum, Deyan Sudjic. Filmed at Vitsœ, 72 Wigmore Street London in September 2008. Likes: 454 Viewed: 37063