The man who traveled into the radiated zone in Belarus only to be welcomed warmly by an elderly family stops back in to return the favor.

The man who traveled into the radiated zone in Belarus only to be welcomed warmly by an elderly family stops back in to return the favor.

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Comment (43)

  1. I saw the first video he made, breaks my heart to see people living like that but so happy to welcome someone into their home.


    she smashes that vodka!

  2. This dude’s channel has been absolutely blowing up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a channel with such interesting, authentic, and unique content. I strongly recommend watching his videos if you want to learn more about life in India, central asia, and eastern europe.

  3. Bald and Bankrupt is fucking baller. He is one of the best travel channels on youtube. He even airs some of his episodes where nothing even happens, but he’s just in a random eastern European town and basically shrugs and says, well that was that. But he’s so respectful and knowledgeable. I love it.

  4. Oh man I love that old lady! Trying to force soup on him, “Eat! Eat! Eat!” Telling him to shut up and take a bag of eggs home. People are the same wherever you find them and grannies always gonna feed you!

  5. After seeing his first video i followed his channel, all his videos are really awesome, and he fucks, always has random hot russian girls in his videos that he clearly got off tinder and said “im a popular youtuber lets go on a date and you can be in my videos”

  6. This video was awesome. I once met a man who was a ukraine immigrant. He came here when we was a very young kid. His older brothers were all liquidators/soldiers during the chernobyl incident. He told me how all of them got killed at the site or wasted away slowly from radiation poisoning. man was 50-60 some years old and still cried as he told me about it. was really touching and so many kids especially in america have no idea it happed

  7. PSA: If you’re going on a long walk in an unfamiliar area that is fairly uninhabited, go prepared.

    It’s so easy to end up dead if you don’t take the right kit. Compass, backpack and water bottle at the very least. You can think you’re indestructible but nature is an all powerful bitch!

  8. Jesus she remembers the Nazi’s fighting in her region. She’s old and it makes me sad. She’s a repository of history closed off in a really deserted area. I wonder how many more people like her their are.

  9. My old school Russian grandma has actually hit me in the arm if i didnt finish a soup, salad, and meat and fish every time i visited, oh and bread… so much bread. and that white stuff she was cutting up is called salo, a salted pork fat, so hard to get used to but then you crave it.. When you have nothing you really know how to share.

  10. There was a light on in that fridge….how do you think they have power? Generator? Or power run out there somehow? It just seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere.


    Yikes, I felt myself sink a little deeper into my chair because she reminded me of my own Mom lmao.


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