This David Cross bit on McDondald’s commercials and minimum wage is both timeless and relevant

This David Cross bit on McDondald’s commercials and minimum wage is both timeless and relevant

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  1. I remember hearing somewhere else, either another comic or on a YouTube video or somewhere, that having your boss paying you minimum wage is them basically telling you: “I would pay you less, but the government won’t let me.”

    As someone who currently works for minimum wage (and for awhile until just recently, was being paid less than minimum wage due to a technicality in the law), I really can’t describe how insulting it is to have that in your head every day you are at work. When you see the person who signs your checks buying new cars and going on multiple international vacations a year while you’re doing your best to scrape by on the crumbs he’s forced to give you by the government, all it breeds is contempt and apathy for your job. Then they have the gall to sic management on us and tell us we need to put in more effort. If you don’t care about your workers, I can guarantee they won’t care about you or your business.

  2. I get that this is a joke, but I wanted to see how accurate his suggestion was. Let’s do some math.

    [McDonald’s]( spent $388.8M on advertising costs in 2018. This translates to about $1.07M a day. If McDonalds didn’t advertise for 3 days a year(one day every 4 months) they would be saving around $3.2M a year. Distributing that $3.2M equally among McDonald’s [210,000]( employees would yield a yearly bonus of $15 per employee, which isn’t very significant.

    If McDonald’s stopped advertising altogether and distributed that money equally among their staff, each worker would receive around $1,850.

  3. If the workers of the world want to win, all they have to do is recognize their own solidarity. **They have nothing to do but fold their arms and the world will stop.** The workers are more powerful with their hands in their pockets than all the property of the capitalists. . . .

    —Joseph Ettor, IWW organizer

  4. As someone who personally benefits from the labor of minimum wage workers (I do enjoy sitting on clean toilets and having clean sheets in a hotel room), I don’t want these workers to improve themselves and find better jobs just so they can be replaced by someone else who’s going to barely scrape by. I want the people who provide these services to have a decent life. Minimum wage labor is essential to everyone’s quality of life, so people should be pissed off that they aren’t paid fairly.

  5. This is funny, but I think everyone realizes that if it were in McDonald’s best financial interest to advertise less or pay their staff more, they’d already be doing it. Like any major company, they’re spending as little on both as necessary to give them the highest profit. The cost to society is entirely another matter.

  6. They wouldnt have those constant ads if it didnt show a profit. McD’s has elite accountants and economists working for them, they know what theyre doing. Also, you actually make less than min wage on average selling drugs.

    But I know it is a joke and shouldnt be taken that literal

  7. fast forward and they did exactly that. There are now far fewer ads on TV and radio for McDonalds, and they did in fact put that money back into the system.

    Unfortunately, they created a mobile app and automated order kiosks with that investment, resulting in an elimination of an average of 6 jobs per location.

  8. If I were in charge, I’d introduce a new tax to levy corporations $2 for every $1 they pay thier employees under an independently-assessed, regional living wage.

    So yes, you could pay your employees bare-minimum, but you’d have to repay the state for all the additional strain low-income employment causes on a personal & community level.

  9. Here’s the truth – if you raise wages for fast food restaurant employees the cost has to be passed onto customers. Fast food customers tend to be lower income so raising the minimum wage is in large part a tax on the poor. Anyone willing to work should have a living wage, but that’s the reality. It’s not black and white.

  10. Yes, it does such to be down there, scraping for crumbs, but it’s a good way to get the average person to have more respect for a worker in that position. If you’ve been through it yourself, you know how soul crushing it can be, and you may be less likely to be a totally dick to a minimum wage worker.

  11. I mean I have a job where I make 15$ an hour hanging drywall and I can tell that there is a 7$ difference in my pay per hour than someone working at McDonald’s

  12. Hearing Reddit complain that zero skill zero education jobs don’t pay well while simultaneously defending bringing in millions of unskilled illiterate “refugees” who barely even speak English…

    The town I lived in in Florida was the #8 safest city and had one of the best schools and the local McDonald’s started pay at $12.50. The cost of living was peanuts and you could buy a single family 3/2 home a short drive away for literally only $130k. A mortgage was like $1k a month if that. My rent in a house like that was $800 and I lived in the most desirable part of the city.

    1) Stop congregating in disgusting cities and then complaining there’s nowhere to live.

    2) Stop flooding the market with slave laborers if you think slave labor should be more valuable.

  13. I’m a delivery driver working at minimum wage and my boss tried telling me the other day that there are times that I’m actually making more money than her with my tips. Biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard.

  14. The minimum wage stands to benefit larger corporations at the expense of their small-time competition, because McDonalds can eat the cost of a minimum wage increase, Sal’s Diner can’t.

  15. What’s interesting is that America’s middle class is shrinking and people are either getting really, really, really rich or dirt, dirt poor. We are slowly turning into a king and slave type country and things are only accelerating. I weep for the future and blame the Republicans.


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