V’s introduction in V for Vendetta is one of my favorites use of alliteration

V’s introduction in V for Vendetta is one of my favorites use of alliteration

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Comment (20)

  1. Is this movie actually any good? I’m totally willing to give it a try, but it’s from an era of film I find hard to take seriously. (like crash winning best picture in 06) I was too young to see it when it came out, and the appropriation of the Guy Fawkes mask by weird edge lords on the internet makes it hard for me to take the whole thing seriously. I guess my questions are wether it holds up as a good movie, and wether it actually has anything interesting to say or just some edgelord stuff that internet nerds eat up?

    Edit: thanks for all the responses! Looks like it’s on Netflix so there’s no reason not to give it a chance.

  2. Natalie Portman. You shaved your head for V for Vendetta. Did you also shave your V for Vagina?


    edit: jeez calm down. It’s a Zach Galifianakis joke


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