Pre-Industrial Surgeries

Pre-Industrial Surgeries

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  1. You have so many shitty YouTube channels that get millions of views, then you have this channel that doesn’t get that many views but puts out quality content every single time.

  2. We live in a time that allows people to show actual human skulls in a video but they are not allowed to say “shit” because they’d get demonetized.. fuck youtube..

  3. If you like this, you might like the podcast “Sawbones”. A doctor talks about medical history with her husband, a comedian and one of the brothers on “my brother, my brother, and me”. It’s funny and interesting. They always end the show with “and don’t drill a hole in your head”. Lol

  4. The first part is totally wrong in almost every aspect.

    The first trepanations we suspect of are probably mesolithic (that’s almost twice as long ago as 6500 years ago), althugh they are debated. The first one for sure is the grave of Vasilevka II in Ukraine, 7300 – 6220 BC. He just picked the date of the oldest trepanation known in central Europe.

    Not just “a few” trepanations showed signs of healing, it was the majority. [Numbers like 80% are floating around in literature.](

    The “5-10% of all neolithic skulls” is super far off, because it’s not what the article [cited in wikipedia]( actually says:

    [>**Most reported series** show that from 5% to 10% of all skulls (e.g., ranging from “as low as 2.5% to as high as 19%”) found from the Neolithic period have been trephined with single or multiple skull openings of various sizes.](

    You only get that number by looking at the sites that are published and interesting enough for medical historians to look at (archaeologists don’t tend to send in normal, boring skulls to medical experts) AND using only sites that have trepanations AND not excluding postmortem modifications (which are a lot more common than medical procedures). Theres a huge sampling bias going into this data, the real number is a lot smaller, [it’s more like 1.3-2% and even this data is biased towards higher numbers](

    [>First, more than 1500 trephined skulls have been uncovered throughout the world, from Europe and Scandinavia to North America, from Russia and China to South America (particularly in Peru).](

    The number 1500 does not refer to neolithic, or even prehistoric skulls. I’d be surprised if we had more than 200 neolithic trepanations.

    Edit: Added some citations.

  5. Other videos in this thread:

    [Watch Playlist ▶](

    [The Butchering Art Book Trailer](|[+4]( – Shout out to The Butchering Art. Very interesting book about the introduction of antiseptic surgery.
    [Remarkable Footage: African Healer performs Head Surgery in the outdoors.](|[+1]( – Sorry for hijacking but here is a documentary of people doing trepanning in modern times. This actually fucking happened. Goes without saying that it’s NSFL.
    (1) [Casually Explained: Is She Into You?]( (2) [5 Historical Misconceptions Rundown](|[+1]( – Off the top of my head, this one: and this one:
    I’m a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I’ll keep this updated as long as I can.
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  6. i keep getting impressed with the attention to detail put into Far Cry Primal. i haven’t even played it for like a year, but this first bit is something that comes up in the story that i had no idea actually existed.

  7. I knew a girl that had an operation performed to correct under-bit, and lost a lot of weight so, stitching the mouth shut for some period of time and only being able to suck on slosh is pretty effective way to lose weight.


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