TIL how to pronounce Worcestershire Sauce

TIL how to pronounce Worcestershire Sauce

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  1. Reminds me of a joke I heard the other day:

    A couple are out to dinner at a restaurant on their fourth date. The guy looks overtop of the menu, locking eyes with his date, and blushes. She blushes and smiles, and he begins, “I don’t know how to say this…” at the words, her eyes widen, expectantly, heart fluttering, as he continues “war-CHEST-er-shy-er?”

  2. I tolla da true. I don’t know what kimma the country come-a this from but I’m italian. I don’t know what I gotta say, so I read in italian now. WAR CHESTER SHEERE…SOW OOCHE. That’sa the sauce.

  3. Growing up in the next county over from Worcestershire, I’d welcome you to consider pronouncing Gloucestershire once you’ve figured out it’s Woo-ster-sher.

    Then try a few Welsh place names. The good people of Ysbyty Ystwyth dare you to try.

  4. Just ignore the “ce” and the letter the immediately precedes the “ce”, and you’re fine.


    Same thing with Leicester, a city in England.



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