Gus Johnson – This Video is For the Tax Write Off

Gus Johnson – This Video is For the Tax Write Off

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Comment (27)

  1. Before people think he gets the axe for free, that’s not how it works. He deducts the cost from his taxable income, reducing the amount of tax he pays, but he doesn’t get it for free. If his tax rate is 30% and it costs $100, he essentially paid $70 for it, saving $30.

  2. how does that work? is it basically you pay the tax in store and then at end of year when you submit taxes you “Write it off” and receive some/all of that tax you paid on the item back?

  3. Oh man, I drunk-bought a rock salt lamp on Amazon a while back.

    I felt weird when it came, because I didn’t _really_ want it, but it’s kind of cool? I guess? Anyway, it’s on the table by the couch and stays on at night to serve as a living room night-light.

  4. The comedy duo Ylvis, who made “What does the fox say”, had a similar skit in 2012. During their live show one of the skits is just them parading stuff they’ve already written off, but are more personal purchases than business purchases. If they use the items in their show, the write off becomes valid (at least in the premise).


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