Man Sues Wife After Doctors Reveal He’s Not the Father of His 3 Sons Because He’s Infertile

Man Sues Wife After Doctors Reveal He’s Not the Father of His 3 Sons Because He’s Infertile

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Comment (26)

  1. Genetic testing of children for paternity should be the norm. Women should be taking responsibility for their actions just like we expect men should.

    EDIT: To be clear, I’m saying genetic testing should be part of the delivery process. Just like how they make efforts to properly track and tag babies so that there are no mix ups.

  2. Dang, the way he kept his cool even when the reporter was trying to get a rise out of him. I only wish that I could be so cool and composed in the light of something like that.

  3. My wife and I had some fertility issues (well, I did) and I’ve joked with my wife that there was a small part of me hoping the baby would come out blonde or otherwise obviously not mine so we could sue the shit out of the fertility clinic. That would be one well-loved and well-off non-biological child of mine.

    Instead, my little girl looks just like baby pictures of me.

  4. Wtf is wrong with the interviewer. Why didn’t you have the 2020 foresight that suing your fraudulent ex-wife would result in lose of contact with 2 young kids who don’t know much better?

    Guy held his own perfectly.

  5. This is a prime example of what female on male abuse looks like. There’s no immediate, visible evidence and the inner emotional scars on this man must be endlessly deep. She destroyed his life, forced him to live a lie and the settlement punishment she received is pathetic. What a great man, despite his illness.

  6. Ouch what an awful situation, because even if the kids aren’t his…. they technically are, he raised them for twenty years! What a total bitch the wife is.

  7. I don’t get why every child isn’t given a quick paternity test upon being born. In America at least, we take the time to slice off a chunk of little boys dicks. I’m sure a quick cheek swab wouldn’t be the end of the world.

  8. I’m happy he got to sue her.

    Honestly, though, 250k is not enough for an on-going lie of 20 years. Women rightly complain of the emotional labour they’re expected to do for men at times. What is more emotional labour than this?

    It broke the damn guy.

  9. I don’t understand the interviewer pushing her thought that because he’s seeking justice, he’s saying that money matters to him more than his relationship with his boys. She seemed a bit obnoxious about that. 😕

  10. That interviewer asking why he risked the relationship with the boys by suing, and then pushing the point… Repeating that “Hey you sued, so now you lost the boys.”…

    Is preposterous! Is she even an adult? WTH? This man has been duped and forced into the primary role for a human male in sexual relations apart from providing the sperm himself. For 20 years! Of course suing is the right course of action.

    Is she mentally challenged? He might never have children of his very own, but he was never given a choice. How exactly is this different from rape at a fundamental psychological level?


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